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Vice President

Grand Master

Mark Iles

Grand Master Mark Iles is a former Chung Do Kwan International and World Championship Medal winner and certified 9th Dan by the World Taekwondo Chung Do Kwan Headquarters in Korea.


Having trained and competed in Judo, Karate and

Taekwondo he represented the Royal Navy many

times and won Silver and Bronze Medals in notoriously

hard Asian Championships in Hong Kong in the heavy

weight full-contact division.


During his Naval career he served in various

conflicts and was attached to a Royal Navy unit

learning and teaching close quarter combat skills

to personnel.

Upon leaving the Royal Navy he became a respected and successful author co-writing books for renowned martial artists, interviewing Martial Arts movie stars and carving out a

specialty niche in writing popular Science Fiction series plus producing self-defence videos

and phone aps.. 

Because of his in-depth technical knowledge

and combat experience Grand Master Iles is

often asked to lecture, examine, adjudicate and

give advice to instructors in many countries as 

well as write articles for magazines.


His attention to precision and

detail is well known and several

of his students have become 

National, International and even

World Champions.


He is the Technical Director of

Traditional Chung Do Kwan.



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